Everyone has their favorite web browser. Personally, I like to use Internet Explorer and FireFox. However, recently, I built a website for my Freelance Writing and Editing services and the several different web browsers options have been a major issue.
I'm not a master website designer, however, I am great with HTML and CSS and a little bit of JavaScript. I am self-taught in all of them and have been creating simple websites for nearly eight years now. www.dawritings.com is my first major website that I am actively trying to get traffic through and, so far, it has been going alright. However, I got a call the other day from someone who uses FireFox and found my website. Their were words and headings and pictures all over the place and overlapping each other. I created the site using Internet Explorer and checked it periodcially on Safari (thinking that most mac users would be using that).
Well, my mistake was that I didn't verify that my website was working properly on all web browsers. The potential client didn't seem too impressed by the look of my website on FireFox and I spent most of the next day fixing that error.
I could have hired someone to build my site, however, I am just starting out in the freelance writing and editing industry and have a pretty tight budget. Beside, I enjoy creating websites and was perfectly capable of creating a simple site for what I needed.
My question is this: Why can't all of the browsers just all get along? Wouldn't it be much easier if they all just interpreted the code the same? I guess that would defeat the purpose of competition though.
Has anyone else had any issue with their website on the different browsers? What browsers do you use? I have tested my site on IE, FireFox Safari. Any other major browsers out there that I should know of?
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