Everybody just calm down. I will give you a moment… Good, now that we are back to the reality that NCSU never actually had a chance at a BCS Bowl let alone a (chuckles at the ignorance) National Title, and that Russell Wilson is certainly not Heisman material and never was, we can look at this situation with a, down-to-earth kind of mentality.
NCSU is definitely a good looking football team. They were the sleeper team in the ACC and surprised the hell out of everyone at the beginning of the season. Bravo! Then came VT. Of all the monstrosities to have ever been brought into existence, VT is the worst of them all (followed very closely by UNC). NCSU should have won that game but they didn’t… We all know the story, no sense in repeating it. However, NCSU was humbled greatly and reality set in that they never actually had a real chance at doing anything special. The story goes the same way for VT, who is constantly overrated at the beginning of every season and then blows it all.
Then came ECU; apparently, “EZU” is not as bad as everyone always assumes them to be. ECU is always the underdog, no matter who they are playing and especially when they are playing NCSU, UNC, VT and the like. Then, out of nowhere, those teams who overlook them and count on them as being a automatic win are stunned by them. NCSU was the one to get it this year because, obviously, UNC and VT did not overlook them. We all know this story too: NCSU loses to ECU in overtime because of bad play calling and coaching. Even though NCSU fans decided a week before the game that they could easily score over 50 points on any NC team. Now, my friends, or enemies, NCSU has been humbled again and the fact that they never really had a shot at doing anything special and that RW is certainly not, and never was, Heisman material, has shown itself again in a dark haze of purple.
Play the loss off as “inconsequential” all you want, it is still a loss and a humbling one. Now, all of a sudden, that “easily score 50 points on any NC team” mentality is diminishing and UNC is starting to be feared, and possible wins over FSU and Clemson are slowly fading from memory like a bad dream. Tell yourself that a loss to ECU doesn't matter, you're right. It doesn't matter, until NCSU wants to go to a bowl game and ends up one win short of eligibility.
You may predict all you want, however the truth will arrive soon enough.
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